Saturday, January 19, 2013


I don't know whether or not one should try to avoid falling for angels for they are prone to flying.

I've lost connectivity with two angels in the recently-seeming not so recent past.  Life's been a blur as of late.  I'm surprised I'm here still.  One angel was my brother, and I want to cry out loud right now so badly but I would awaken the entire house...  There truly was no worse way to smite me than by taking away such a wonderful person from the life of mine and MANY others.

The other angel has shared in the loss of my brother.  A drifter at heart, I know I cannot and should not even try to impede on her travels on this plane.

This makes me question the value of knowing exceptional people.  I've been told I'm exceptional in various ways, but I tend to forget it at times in which are most important for me to remember.  Losing exceptional people that are CLOSE to you is exceptionally difficult.

I'm not entirely the victim in this scenario.  I have my vices.  I wish nothing but the best for those I love.  The prospect of losing the second mentioned angel seems insurmountable, but I guess having survived the loss of the first mentioned angel proves I can withstand almost anything.

Today has shaken me to my very core and figuratively put everything on the table.  I'm unsure as to whether or not that's good or bad and perhaps all the ambiguity is for the best.

I feel better having expressed myself; advice from one of the aforementioned angels.  I guarantee there will be less angst-filled posts in the future.  I feel like I've reached a turning point.  I'm not one to do things without a purpose, including writing a blog post.

I'll see you guys around.

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