Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm not pro-Obama, but that's easy because he doesn't disclose much as far as planning goes; which leads me to wonder how people are so against something that... isn't even formulated. I do think McCain would be so much better than Bush that it's not even funny, but he's just not going to get elected; especially with all the new Sarah Palin stuff. I mean banning books was one of her first moves as a mayor??
I think Bush has shown that the system whereby the vice president is the brains and the president is the charmer works. I think Biden has a better head on his shoulders than Palin has on hers. McCain might do a good job and yada yada, but a lot of what happens in this world is a result of perception. The non-US world will perceive McCain as a war-hungry president and not want to enter into any type of treaty that would leave them liable or vulnerable to the US. The world would continue to grow as it is now... without the US and do just fine. That would be good for them, but it would be hell for us. We're the country with the largest debt, yet still the most "powerful" country on earth. Why? Because we basically set-up the world's economic platforms right after World War II. Everything major went through us until now.

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