Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bill Maher

I realize he does it for attention, but it really works.  Bill Maher is really getting on my nerves with his pieces on religion.  He should focus on the fundamentalists.  They are the irrationalists.  He states "Either you're a rationalist or you're not a rationalist."  Sitting so smug, priding himself and his fellow "atheists" and agnostics on how "rational" they are.  The truth is that there is no answer to the questions of religion, so it is rational to have faith and it is rational to not have faith.  There is no clear winner to this argument, and I hate that this man acts like he innocently just wants to know more about why people act the way they do concerning religion.  He's not just a curious little boy, he's simply putting down religious people all the time and it is not a good thing.  He always tells of how destructive religion is while his show and its influence are pretty destructive in their delivery.  He is hypocritical, and I just don't think it's cute anymore.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Feelin' good

Oh man, I just ran for an hour at the gym. It was cool. Thankfully, I brought my iPod Touch with me because it was deathly quiet when I entered. I listened to some Flaming Lips, Metallica, and some Red Hot Chili Peppers. After the run, I felt like my thighs were going to explode, but after showering and driving to the Central parking lot, I felt... high! It's sweet. I feel so comfortable and at ease and guilt-free because I'm not on anything. I definitely need to make this a regular part of my week. I'm thinking Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesdays; rest on Fridays. Kinda sleepy now, actually.