Sunday, July 20, 2008

Awesome; the 2008 CIA Factbook is out.

Iran's median age (pretty much the average age) is 26.4 years old. That is freaking young! That place must would be fun to visit, assuming you die. U.S. median age is 36.7. So, we are about 10 years older on average, making them that much more volatile and stubborn. WAIT, Iraq's median is 20.2 years! Also, Iran and Iraq have about the same life expentancy; about 70 years. Perhaps a democracy in Iran would have been the better way to go before the disaster in Iraq.

How many 20.2 year-olds that you know would say.... give up their favorite table at their favorite restaurant to a bunch of rich foreigners. They make their way in and start to critique even your food, telling you that you could have it so much better; "Here's some of our food. Would you like some? No? Well, I'm sorry I asked because you're going to have to eat it." A fight breaks out. 12 Iraqs die for every one US death.

You see, America is promoting democracy through pseudo-imperialism. It is very hard to do this in a world so well-connected and well-informed. Maybe we should have imagined WMDs in Iran instead of Iraq. Perhaps they would have been more manageable and then we could have taken Iraq 10 or 20 years later. Not that I would want that, but it'd been better than the way things are now. Now, I swim.
Woooo. I closed the deli Friday night, went to a co-worker's husband's birthday party until 3 am, went to sleep at 4 am, then woke up at 6 am to open the deli and work until 3 pm. Have I mentioned that the deli is huge and takes forever to open/close. Then I came home and helped Kacie watch Jayden (almost 3) and Natalia (4). I was basically deliriously tired all day yesterday and ended up eating too much pizza and then got really nauseous/dizzy. I guess my immune system is getting taxed pretty hard these days because I never get nauseous; and I stuff myself quite often hah.

Watching this FOX News interview with Sen. Bayh and Sen. Lieberman. So, Lieberman is now an independent Democrat and is supporting McCain for president. This was confusing and started making me rethink my decision, but then I remembered I was watching FOX News and am aware of their abilities to sway opinions, clip audio, and strategically (as of late) having many "independents", NPR journalists and so on. They do this to make you think that they are giving you the full spectrum of opinions, when really you're just getting this wide spectrum of affiliations that is illusively looks like the full spectrum. They aren't full of hate anymore, but I'm not going to fall for it. Geez and now Bush is indirectly looking like an Obama supporter, thus distancing himself from McCain, thus allowing people to re-think McCain as a Bush clone and allow him to get more swing votes. Welp, I'm gonna go swim.

Friday, July 18, 2008

So I've read so many raving reviews about The Dark Knight and Heath Ledger's amazing performance of really portraying a true madman, and it makes me wonder if he killed himself to go out with a bang because he knew how good this movie was going to be. I haven't read up on the stuff leading to his death, so I'm just kind of thinking out loud. Maybe he was on some really crazy drugs during the filming and really was borderline madman himself. Nonetheless, I now really cannot wait to see it.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


I got to help do inventory tonight at Wild Oats. It was alright; there sure are some goofy (in a good way) people that work there. So, after that I decided to check out the Kroger that's next to Wild Oats / Paradiso and I was amazed. That place is HUGE! They also have a lot of the same stuff that Wild Oats has, so it might become my new place to load up on goodies. Sleepy time. Double tomorrow.